Story of you

Life Changing Workshops, Meditation Programs, Energy Healing Sessions

What is the "Story of You"?

    You wrote the words in the "Akasha" before you were born; the story of your life
  • Story of your life in a book

    "Story of You" book is the story of your journey in the timeline of your past, present and the future. It compiles words brought through channeled guidance of the divine universe in every chapter where it unfolds your life purpose, life path, and life lessons.

    Every chapter of the book is like the facet of a diamond shining the aspects, potentials and opportunities that exist in your path.

    The book will cover 12 aspects such as health, wealth, happiness, wealth, relationships etc. Seven aspects of the physical life and three of the spiritual self.

    You are unique, so is your story that this book reads. You may have forgotten that it exists, but the words engraved in ether of your existence have not forgotten you!

    In order to bring the book together there will be online meetings and sessions from time to time.

Register your interest

  • To find out more or to register your interest, please click the button below.

Any questions?

Please click here for any questions.

Important Info

     Please note: As the contents of "you" differs from others, so does the contents of the book of your life.

     After the purchase an online meeting will be held via Zoom. Good internet connection is a must.

     Important: You should be in a quiet and undisturbed space during the meeting.

     This meeting will be like a reading session to gather information about you.

     The meetings will be held during these times from Monday to Saturday excluding any important holidays -
    8am to 3pm CST,
    8am to 4pm EST,
    8am to 1pm PDT,
    8am to 7pm GMT